Thursday, April 25, 2013

Utah's Caucus System was Beholden to Money

Oh, it would seem Utah's caucus system should give the less-financed, and the candidates without political machinery behind them a better chance to be elected.

After all, they have only to reach a limited number of people. They aren't so dependent on advertising.

But look at the last election. Look at all the money poured into buying lunches for the delegates. Can anyone tell me of one race in which the person who didn't buy lunches won out over the one who did.

The caucus system -- this time around, anyway, proved a playground for politics, for money, for those with political machinery. That is why it is ironic that a group wanting to hold on to the caucus system are lampooning those who favor change as saying, "Utah's caucus system doesn't favor the wealthy. We intent to fix that.

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