Monday, January 20, 2014

Honor King Not with a State Holiday, but with a State Recognition Day

   So, is Martin Luther King Jr. worthy of a day to himself? Who else gets one? Even Washington's day of honor is often tossed in with Presidents Day. I found myself, today, thinking of King as one of our greatest American heroes. I tried to remember why some didn't like him. I suppose I'm not as student on the subject as I should be. I came home to study a wee bit and found he was a socialist. I should have remembered that.
   Well, I'm not ready to make MLK Day a holiday bringing a day off from work, nor even one to close banks over. I do think what he did was very significant, though. Civil rights are as American as anything these days, and King helped make that so. I say, give him a day of recognition all to himself, not labeling it as Human Rights Day, but as Martin Luther King Day. Or, if we need to set it apart from those days that bring a day off from work, call it Martin Luther King Recognition Day. Run a short parade down Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., and bring in a speaker. No, I'm not opposed if the speaker notes he was a socialist, and even indicates that is something some of us don't honor him for.

1 comment:

  1. In a class I subbed I showed a video of King commending service. The presenters were sure he would be happier if a day honoring him was done with community serve rather than speeches.
