Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Let Super Charity Inc. be an Alternative to Government Aid

   What if there were a charity organization whose aim was to do everything the federal government does? If government helps those on disability, the charity would seek to do the same. If government helps with school lunches for needy children, so would the charity. If government offers unemployment insurance, the charity would, likewise.
   What if this super charity sought to replace the whole government social net, or at least to provide an alternative to it? Those giving, could continue to give through their taxes to the federal government, or could be extended tax credits for giving to the super charity. Some of those getting the aid would remain on government assistance, but others would be shifted to the private aid. The super charity would fund as many of the needy as it could. When its dollars were used up, those still needing help would go to the federal government.
   I'd put a work option in the private fund. If those getting the charity were willing, they could agree to work in exchange for the help they received. But, they all wouldn't be required to work until the corresponding federal program also required work. But, yes, that is something I would like to see happen.

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