Friday, September 25, 2015

I'm at a Loss as to Why We Should Oppose a Good Government Shutdown

   I'm of a loss of understanding as to why we should oppose a good government shutdown. I'd just ask that we do it right, this time.
   Leave the parks open, for one thing. Instead of federal workers manning them, have a skeletal crew of local law enforcement officers step in to monitor the national parks.
   Back pay for federal workers, once the shutdown is over? Not for the most part. If they can go out and get other jobs during the lay-off, let them. And, then, if their posts are non essential, then discontinue the position at the end of the shutdown.
   I view a shutdown as an opportunity, not a looming disaster. We've always wanted smaller government. We've always felt there's trimming to be done. I understand the last shutdown only shut down about 17 percent of the government. Come on now. Can't we do better than that?
  Pass a bill ahead of the shutdown keeping everything open that needs to be open. If you feel some services need to remain, designate them. I haven't figured out how you can have a shutdown and yet leave as much open as we did, but if that is possible, then just be prudent on what remains open. I know there is already a law that specifies what remains open and what closes. Update that guideline. Maybe, your bill to keep some things open will require you to approve funding for those things. Do that, then, and leave Planned Parenthood and the rest hanging.
   Yes, those against full funding are going to demand that its all or none, or that the current groupings for funding remain. They will cry, "How dare you endanger our country with a shutdown." Put the onus back on them. Tell them, "These are services we agree should remain open, let's do it. Let's fund them. Let's not wait for a catastrophe. We are not the ones saying close them. We're ready to vote right now to fund them."
   Let's not let the Planned Parenthood question and the other questionable items hold the rest of the economy hostage. Let's do what we can, approve what we agree on, and save the economy.

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