Monday, September 17, 2018

Stop the Apple Cart Long Enough to Determine if Kavanaugh is Clean

   This might be the most you can do in determining whether Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually attacked Christine Blasey Ford back in high school, so do it:
   Kavanaugh says he wasn't even at the party. So, put the FBI on it. Even after all these years, contacting the schoolmates and asking them if they were there, and asking them if Kavanaugh was there, might possibly determine if he was at the party.
   If he wasn't there, he's innocent.
   But, if he was, then, if nothing else, he is lying by saying he wasn't. That, in and of itself, might be sin enough and cause enough to keep him off your high court. And, if Kavanaugh was at the party and here he is saying he wasn't, that leaves Ford as the more credible side to believe. So, you must give her story credence.
   Let us also consider the notion Democrats sat on this information, then brought it up at the eleventh hour. I might wonder why they waited, too, but it seems somewhat immaterial. Seems they could do just as much damage at one point as at the other. And, it seems that what is relevant, is whether the allegation is true, not whether it unfolded on a timeline acceptable to the Republicans. It isn't going to hurt if you wait a week or so to try to determine the truth of the allegation. Don't push the apple cart forward if there are allegations the apples are unclean. Stop long enough to determine if they are clean.
   You must then decide if you wash and clean the apples, or if they are contaminated beyond that. There have have been so many of these cases. Should you ever forgive? If this did happen, was it a lone incident? And -- supposing it did happen -- do you say his being under the influence of alcohol led him to forget the incident?
   Or, do you look warily at how he is denying he was even at the party. If this were a court of law, that would be perjury, and it should be taken just as seriously as if it were a court of law.
   This Kavanaugh, present tense. If he was not at the party, excuse him of the charges, but if he was, then wonder if he is justified in not remembering the incident.

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