Monday, August 1, 2022

Let's Have Quotes 101 as a School Course

    To have famous and influential quotes as a school course should be highly desirable. 

    Yes, put this school course right behind reading, writing, and arthmetic in importance.

    Take all the quotes -- all the worthy and historical quotes you can find -- and place them in a textbook, an encyclopedia of famous quotes, if you will. All the quotes from Socrates, Ben Franklin, Mark Twain, and all the others -- collect them all into one thick volume for educational purposes.

   "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." -- Confusius

   "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." -- Groucho Marx

   Our textbook would teach at least four things; (1.) Wisdom. The wisdom of the ages seems a natural-enough thing to teach in school. (2.) Goodness and morality. There are a high number of quotes that teach being good, being honest, and treating others right. (3.) How to think. As the student reflects on the quotes, it influences their own ability to think. (4.) Humor. There are so many quotes that simply refuse to let you not laugh at them. Give the students an appreciation of humor.


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