Wednesday, August 16, 2023

McCarthy and Carlson Conspired Against America

 Let's go back in history, not too many months, to the time House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Fox News host Tucker Carlson betrayed the American people. What happened then points to the direction our nation could be headed.

McCarthy released the Jan. 6 footage to Carlson -- exclusively. No other news service was allowed to have it. None. McCarthy chose only a news outlet that was friendly to former President Trump. You don't need to look very far to see where that kind of a practice takes place: Russia. Putin can pick and choose, when he wants to. He can exclude the free press and release the info only to the official government news agency. So, McCarthy and Carlson were in good company, right? Practicing the release of information the same way it is often practiced in Russia.

But, it doesn't end there. When Carlson aired the videos to the public, he filtered out much of the footage so he could give his own spin on the Jan. 6 attack. Based on the footage he did release, he was able to tell his viewers that it was mostly a peaceful event. Tucker! There were about 140 police officers assaulted! Just assaulting a single one of them should be a concern. Assaulting 140 hardly accounts for what anyone should be passing off as a peaceful event. 

That Carlson edited out all the damaging footage just so he could put a false spin on the event is also reminiscent of how they do things in Russia. This should concern us --greatly. Such a matter as the McCarthy-Carlson affair clearly indicates how close we might be to losing our freedom. 

McCarthy could still do the right thing. He could still post all the footage on YouTube so we could see for ourselves whether there was violence. Why doesn't he? In our nation as we speak, there are many who are outraged that the FBI is not releasing body cam footage of the killing of a person who threatened President Biden's life. Why don't those same people call for footage of J6 to be released?

A free and open society requires no less.

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