Thursday, August 24, 2023

Seven of Nine Republican Candidates Assault this American Institutiton

Six of the eight participants in Wednesday's presidential debate raised their hands when asked if they would support Donald Trump even if he is convicted of a crime. 

Six of eight. Add Trump, himself, and that's seven of nine.

What does it mean? It means the people running for the highest office in the land do not trust, support, and have confidence in our legal system. America was founded on its institutions, including the court system. If you can undermine the faith in the court system, you can start a movement to get rid of it or put a controlling force over it.

And, what would replace it if it came to that? What would be placed on top of it? Look no further than the forces aiming to bring down our institutions. Look no further than those who are saying our American institutions are not working. And, leading the charge against our legal system is Trump, himself.

How would he and the extremists go about about dismantling our court system? Replace all the judges and replace them with those who will do their bidding? That might not be an idle threat; it could happen. Though they are appointed by the Constitution, Trump and his followers certainly believe they should be replaced. 

Yes, seven of the nine Republican candidates do not believe in our court system. Are our institutions of democracy under assault? The proof is in the pudding.  

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