Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What can be Done about the National Deficit? A Dozen Possibilities

   What should be done about the national deficit? (Pick however many answers you like.)
  1. Nothing, nothing, nothing! We're really doing quite fine, thank you.
  2. Cut whatever the Democrats want.
  3. Cut whatever the Republicans want.
  4. Cut whatever the Libertarians want, for they want nothing!
  5. Raise taxes, but only on the rich.
  6. Cut entitlements, but not mine.
  7. Something needs to be done, but we really do need everything we're spending money on.
  8. Didn't you hear me? I said, "Nothing!" Everything will be okay.
  9. Let's take care of today's needs, and let tomorrow take care of itself.
  10. With air quality, same-sex marriages, guns, and so forth, do we really have time for this?
  11. You saw how we reacted to the Sequestration. That should have been your first clue.
  12. You saw how we reacted to the government shutdown (which actually didn't shut down that much of the government). That should have been your second clue.

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