Sunday, February 8, 2015

Is the Creation Story a Precurser to the Theory of Evolution?

   The writer of the Bible is the original evolutionist. Well, that is true only if God did use evolution to bring about the creation, which we do not know. But, I ask you to consider if the originator of the theory of evolution might be the person who wrote the Bible, for the story in Genesis might be the first place where evolution is set forth.
    Yes, Moses might have gotten to this before Darwin. Maybe, maybe not. It depends on whether God used evolution to create man, and, on that, I don't believe we know.
   Read Genesis with an eye that God might have created the earth using evolution, and wonder.
    For starters, what of it, that in the story of Genesis, the order of things follows much the same order of that of evolution, plant life coming ahead of animal life, and animal life before human life, as if one leading to the other.
   Go on. Study some more. Go to where the story begins.
   "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." Although I am not a believer in the Big Bang -- maybe I just haven't studied it enough yet -- what it says here is in line with the Big Bang (or, at least with some kind of beginning point), for the heavens and the planets would have come first. You can't have a mortal person unless he has a planet to live on, and you can't have a planet unless it has a universe to be in.
   "And the earth was without form and void."  "Without form"? "Void"? "Void even leaves open the notion that something was created out of nothing. I believe the universe has always existed, but, with the universe being unending, can one universe be created by a big bang, while other universes already exist? Who knows what happened.
   "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." My understanding is that, according to science, about the first step towards making a place where life could be, is that there must be a star for the planet that is to be inhabited. So, that as early as the third paragraph, it says, "God said, Let there be light," is of significance.
   "And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so." Does that match with the continental drift?
    "And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life." Scientists teach, I believe, that all life came out of the oceans.
   Well, I stop here, and give no more examples, for the moment. I do not say these things are right. I only wonder. I know there is a God, and He was the creator. But, I do not know how he went about the creation.
   Evolution? If I am to study it, if I am to learn that science says it is a proven and indisputable fact, then I believe it worthy to turn to the scriptures for what they might offer, for they are true and what is in them is true. If I am to study evolution at all, I should reflect on what my scriptures say, pondering, thinking and wondering. My thoughts might be right, or they might be wrong, as I study the scriptures. But, studying them and reflecting on them is the right thing to do.

(Edited Feb. 10, 2015)

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