Friday, March 5, 2021

Are We Really to Believe Russell Ramsland?

   Absolute Truth, is the name of the video. Listen as Russell Ramsland explains how they discovered the Chinese stole the election from Donald Trump. Hmm, you are going to say partway through -- and you'll whistle in disbelief at how Ramsland reached his conclusion.

  "What we did, is every day, we just took the information on the voter records of the people who voted that day in Dallas -- Dallas posts them online, so you get a big, big long record of this voter -- you don't see how he voted, but you see everything else -- name, where he lives, when he asked for a ballot, where he voted, residence address, on and on and on . . ."

   Ramsland's doing fine to this point. Yes, you can perhaps get the voting records each day.

   Then the wheels come off. ". . . All of those, as you know, are comprised of zeros and ones. That's how computers work."  

   Hit the pause button. Someone reach over and tap Ramsland on the shoulder to inform him that "all those zeros and ones" are not part of the voting record available to the public. They are not what you can march down to the county clerk and get each day. Nor can you get them online as you retrieve records of all those who voted each day.

   Ain't happening. Ain't so. . . . and, yes, we might be wondering a little about your sanity at this point, Russell Ramsland. Forgive.

   Just the same, listen to the rest of his explanation of how he knows there was election fraud. 

   ""So, all we did is we would add up all the zeros and ones in that voter record and store it. And then, we would watch what happened to that voter record, as we worked our way through  early voting. Mike, we saw 57,000 votes get their voter records changed during early voting alone in Dallas, Texas. We saw a ten-block long streak in Dallas, Texas, get every single vote wiped out and then subsequently replaced one at a time with clearly something changed because the hash -- in other words, its record of the zeros and ones -- had been changed, and so we know it was tampered with. I mean, it was unbelievable."

   Even if the election machinery were plugged directly into the Internet -- and its not -- how would you analyze it? And, you've said that the info tells you who the voter is, when he or she voted, and where. So, you must be able to read the zeros and ones well enough to read those things. But, you've said you can't tell who he or she voted for. How is it you can read the ones and zeros for their names and where they voted, but you cannot read it for who they voted for? Your story is falling apart. It's not making sense.

  Let those reading this, consider for themselves. When they went in to vote, how was the voting machine set up? Was it set up to the Internet? No.

  But, let's suppose someone could get into the computers this way. Let's suppose they could replace one set of votes with another. What if the Russians and Chinese both could do it -- and maybe the Iranians. What a game that would make! The Chinese would come along and change it one way, then the Russians would change it, and then the Chinese would snatch it right back. And, if you here in the United States have all the original zeros and ones stored in your computer like Ramsland said they did, don't you march right down to election office and give the information to officials there, and demand that they change it right back to the way it is suppose to be?

  Or, maybe you change it back yourself. You say, "Hey, hey, hey. Wait, wait, wait. I have all the correct info, and we're not going to let Biden steal the election. We're not going to let you fool Chinese do this. We're changing it back."

  What a web we weave when we make something up. And, yes, I easily conclude Ramsland made up what he's saying.  

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