Saturday, June 2, 2012

Targeted Sales Taxing Might be the Thing

The soda pop tax being considered, what then shall we make of such taxes, of sales taxes that target certain products?

Alcohol, tobacco, gambling, or whatever.

I am inclined, at this point, to think maybe such taxes should be used more. These taxes can aim at non-essention products, whereas a sales tax on everything hits food and other essentials.

Gasoline, though, is an essential, and it is a targeted sales tax. So, although these taxes can be used to pick on non-essentials, they sometimes pick on essentials.

If soda pop is to be taxed, how about all of the very sugary items? A sugar tax.

Now, I hear you saying we don't need new taxes, and we don't need more taxes. We need less. Then, I say, if we move more toward targeted sales taxing, let's just make sure we cut back on the other taxes.

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