Sunday, September 2, 2012

At Point of Death, Mother Teaches Greatest Lesson

I place this blog before the world, but am well aware I have few readers. I post daily, or almost daily. (That might soon end.) The posts are most all political, except maybe on Sunday.

And, with the Sunday post comes the thought that it might be read -- despite the small readership -- by those not of my faith.

Read on, if you are one of those I have just spoken off. Read, if you will the Sunday posts, as well. Today's is not likely to offend you. It is religious, of nature, but the thought I have tonight shares well with all Christian faiths.

My mother is ill, even to the point of dying. Some mornings I wake, and she is the first thing I think of. Most any day -- if not absolutely every one -- my thoughts turn to her throughout the day. I call her daily, earnestly telling her of my love for her.

Somewhere during the course of this past day, or perhaps it was last night, I realized this type of attention, this type of love, this type of devotion, is due to my God. Why should He not be my first thought in the morning? Why should not my thoughts turn to Him throughout the day? Why should I not tell Him daily of my love for Him?

Is there not a scripture saying, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength."

And, does not that scripture mean something? Does it not mean just what it says?

If I truly love the Lord in such fashion, I should think of Him first thing in the morning, and throughout the day. I should speak to Him daily, uttering my love for Him, and being earnest and fervent about it.

Perhaps my Mother is teaching me one final lesson, even as she possibly heads towards the grave. Love of the Lord is the first and greatest commandment. Perhaps, then, Mother (though admittedly unintentionally) is teaching the greatest lesson of all as the grand finale of all she has taught me.

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