Thursday, April 17, 2014

All Powers Not Specified Belong to States -- Including Land Ownership?

   Still trying to figure out the Cliven Bundy rebellion. Just listened to a video of him before the Moapa town board, and he said when he pays grazing fees, it will be to Clark County. He asked the audience who owns the land, and he told them it was the citizens of Clark County.
   Doesn't being a citizen of the United States mean just as much? If the land is to belong to a government entity, why cannot that entity be the federal government just as easily as it can be Clark County? The only thing I can think of at this point is that the Constitution reserves all powers not enumerated to the federal government to the states.
  Do we consider land ownership a power? Are we to say the federal government has no right to own land? I'll maybe think on this tonight, as I go to bed, but that appears to be what the premise should be for the Cliven Bundy rebellion.
  (The last sentence was edited and changed 4/19/14.)


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