Wednesday, April 23, 2014

States have the Right to Declare a Fetus as a Human

   When in the course of human events, it becomes illegal to declare a human a human, the government and its courts have gone mad.
  I speak of the human fetus. To me, it is human, and I say we as the State of Utah should define it as such, in defiance of any court that may seek to overrule us. How can they say a human is not a human? How can the courts rule it is against the law to have a state statute defining a fetus as a human? 
  Truth be told, life cannot be legislated. Whether something is actually alive and human is not a matter for government to decide. It is beyond the realm of the courts. And, yes, it also beyond the realm of a state legislature. You cannot pick up a pen and write an edict that something does or does not exist as a living human, for either it is alive and well and human, or it is not, and all the dictates of government be damned.
   All the winds of public opinion mean nothing, as well, for it is human or not human regardless what a hundred million people might say.
   Some things, though, are self evident. When the sun rises in the morning, it rises. If the federal government should pass a provision saying it did not rise that day, it still remains that it did actually rise. If the federal government says that since the sun didn't rise, the banks will not open that day, the state might well come back and declare that the sun did in fact come up, so please let the banks open.
   So it is with us in Utah. If the courts have decided the fetus is not human and therefore abortion is to be allowed, we have every right to point to the sun high in the sky and say, "No, look. It did come up." To us, it is a self-evident truth.
   We have every right, as a state, to pass a statute defining a human as a human, a fetus as a human.
  The Founding Fathers, writing the Declaration of Independence, spoke of unalienable rights. Those would be the rights government cannot alter because they are outside the realm of government power to dictate. Life will be life regardless what government thinks it can dictate. 
   So, if it were within my power, I would have Utah pass a statute declaring that the life of a human is unalienable, that the life of a fetus is unalienable, and that a fetus being a human is an unalienable fact. These things are self evident and we can defy the courts to rule otherwise.

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