Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Life of the Unborn is a Promise of the Declaration of Independence

   This is a new defense of the unborn, an argument I don't believe has ever been made, though it seems to me to sterling, correct and powerful. It contends the unborn's right is a right spoken of in the Declaration of Independence.
  Now, since abortion is a matter that must go through the Supreme Court, I wonder if a decision has ever been rendered on the basis of what the Declaration of Independence says. Perhaps, supposing this argument were respected, this would be a first.
   The Declaration speaks of unalienable rights being those rights that cannot be legislated away, for they are not under the purview of governments. Certain things are not for governments to decide, among them being life. If a person is alive, he or she is alive, regardless what a government might say. You cannot legislate life.
   Is the unborn a living being? No scientist and perhaps no realistic person would argue otherwise. The unborn clearly is a living being. In the words of the Declaration, it is self evident. Is the unborn a human? Humans begat only humans. Of course it is human. To use the language of the Declaration, it is self evident.
  It might be argued the unborn is not human all the time it is in the womb, however it would be difficult to argue it is not human long long before it clears the womb. I would argue that once it assumes the form of a human, it must be considered a human, for it is self evident, at that point, that it is a human.
   Governments are instituted among men to protect the unalienable rights. If governments fail too often in this mandate, it becomes the right of the people to alter or abolish that government, so says the Declaration.
   "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
   It is interesting that while "their Creator," refers to God, the parents of the unborn are also to be considered creators. In creating the unborn, the parents, whether they like it or not, are creating a being that cannot rightfully be killed. They are endowing the unborn with life, and with that they are also endowing him or her with all the unalienable rights there may be.
   Once created, the being's rights are unalterable. It is ironic, then, that it is the parents who seek to take away the lives of their unborn.

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