Friday, March 13, 2015

All Lives Matter, Including the Lives of the Unborn

   I think of the riots in Ferguson, and across the nation, and see the power of protest. I think of the people chanting, "Raise your hands -- Don't shoot." And, I think of the slogan, "All lives matter."
   Look what Ferguson hath wrought: With it, we have become wary of death at the hands of police. Before Ferguson, we were a nation accepting the notion that if a policeman shot a person, it was because the person had it coming. Since Ferguson, we wonder if all the deaths are warranted, if all are justified. We are indignant, angry and defiant.
   We demand justice.
   The other day, a Facebook friend posted on police violence against blacks, and I commented, "All lives matter," on the thread. I scrolled down to read a meme of an unborn child, with the caption, "Raise Your Hands -- Don't Abort." I lost that meme, but made my own version, above. I added the line, "When the mother is the law." It is ironic that even as police are the ones who should protect us, even so it is that mothers should protect their unborn.
    I find myself, tonight, wishing the nation would rise in outrage against taking the lives of unborn children, that there were outrage equal to what there has been in Ferguson. I look at Ferguson, and think of the slogan, "All lives matter," and consider that certainly that should include the unborn. Their lives should matter.
   A life taken amiss is a life that should be missed. What? an estimate 1.2 million lives lost to abortion each year, and yet we go on about our affairs without considering saving them? If we were to rise in protest, mny or most of those lives could be spared.

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