Thursday, April 16, 2015

Is Freedom to be Protected Only With a Gun?

 Is freedom to be protected only with a gun? Some how, I must believe there are also other ways to protect it. It was Mao Tse-Tung, and not George Washington, who said, "All political power comes from the barrel of a gun."
   I do wonder how it is the tool of oppression that becomes the tool of freedom. I would that we also consider on the other things that protect us. Few nations have won their liberty without the use of a gun, it is true, but please note they have won nothing if they have not a mindset to keep it.
   I do not see the gun as the first line of defense. It, rather, is what you must resort to when other things have failed. And, what are these other things? The civic diligence of a community is one. If you have a citizenry involving itself in the political spectrum, in studying the issues, and in ensuring freedom not just to themselves, but to others, you create an atmosphere that resists being overthrown.
   I wonder but what the righteousness of a nation is also a factor, for I believe God blesses a people who are righteous.
   Thirdly, not just having freedom of speech, but using it for good, is a protection upon a nation. Speaking out against injustice and evil, using gentle persuasion and love in the convincing of neighbors, teaching others not to have evil attitudes -- these things reduce the odds of oppression from rising up in your midst.

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