Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Don't Build a Prison There; Save Land Near the Airport for Other Uses

   While government might choose the site near the airport for the prison, it is that site that has the most potential for other uses. Land near an airport has a value like none other, as large corporations appreciate (well, they should) locating next to airports, since they are prone to fly people in and out. Land near an airport has potential for hotels and for convention centers. Salt Lake might not grow into needing the land near for these purposes for many years to come. Still, there is some wisdom to leaving that land for those uses, so it will be available when needed.
   Other uses for the land near the airport? If we could persuade entertainment endeavors to locate there, that would be helpful, as conventions often like having food and entertainment nearby. Corporations entertaining guests also appreciate food and entertainment endeavors being close by.
   Other uses? Locate a destination-worthy amusement park there, or a world-class museum of some sort. Right, now Salt Lake benefits from having so much land near the airport yet available, that it could be used for all these tourist-friendly things.
  Right now, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints benefits from having conventions so close, as the visitors can spill over and visit Temple Square. Should the church want to, though, it could develop a visitor's center right near the airport, plugging into visitors it is not reaching now. In turn, having the church represented there fits in with offering visitors tourist-type attractions to visit.
  A prison? I have a much grander vision of what the land near the airport should be used for.

(Blog slightly changed 6/7/15.)

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