Tuesday, December 24, 2019

We Must See Difference Between Right and Wrong, or be Led Astray

   So many things can be viewed as bribes, and technically are. When you tell your children you'll give them candy if they'll go to bed, that is bribery -- quid-pro-quo version. We will be laughing at the Dems all day if we equate all forms of bribery with what President Trump did. Still, the founding fathers did have something in mind when they placed in the Constitution wording saying a president shall be removed from office by impeachment if he (or she) is involved in bribery.
   My thought is, When you ask someone to do something they shouldn't be asked to do in the first place, that is wrong. When what you are asking them to do is wrong -- because it is a sin or immoral or whatever -- this becomes the form of bribery we should be speaking of.
  Nancy Pelosi is not wrong to be demanding justice. All she is doing is demanding a fair trial. That is not wrong. To equate her asking for justice to President Trump asking for dirt on a political opponent is to not be able to tell the difference between right and wrong. The English language needs two words to distinguish the difference. But, it doesn't have two. The word "bribe" is used for both, but that does not mean we should not be wise enough to discern one is moral and one is not.
   If our knowledge of what Joe Biden did is correct, he bragged of withholding money because the Ukrainians were not investigating enough. Did you get that? Not investigating enough. He sought to end the corruption. That is not a wrongful act. Now, if he was withholding the money because his son's company was being investigated -- as many are saying -- then it does become a bribe of the wrong variety. As of now, there is no evidence of that. As of now, it remains a false accusation. Perhaps the FBI or CIA could investigate and either clear Biden's name or discover bribery of the wrong variety was involved.
   No matter how much our President insists what he did was right, we should be able to see though clearly and know that if you take taxpayer money and withhold it until Ukraine finds dirt on a political opponent, that is wrong. If you use your power as president to get political dirt on your potential opponent in the upcoming election, that is wrong.
   We will be led astray, as a nation, if we let those who cannot see the difference between things that are right and things that are wrong confuse us about the two.

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