Saturday, January 9, 2021

Three Answers to Claims of Election Fraud

Were envelopes bearing the voter signatures destroyed? (Cobb County, Georgia)

  The envelopes destroyed were not the signature envelopes. It is deceitful that social media posts are saying they were. The envelopes with the signatures were placed inside another envelope, a privacy envelope. It was those, outer, envelopes that were destroyed. Whoever came up with all the social media posts saying the signatures were destroyed either didn't check their facts or knowingly ignored the truth and posted the falsehood anyway.

Were people locked out and not allowed to be vote challengers? (Detroit, Michigan)

   The video of people locked out and not allowed to come in and be challengers doesn't take into account that there were already at least 400 challengers there. It reaches a point where you have to say, We can't fit any more in. Security and Covid restrictions both dictate that you put a limit on how many are allowed. The limit was 134. They soared way past that before they realized they better cut it off. The video is deceptive. It would have you believe they weren't allowing challengers. Four hundred or more, though, were there. Once again, this is a case of the Trump people being deceptive.

Was a suitcase of ballots dragged in that hadn't been there the night before? (Fulton Co., Georgia)

   Rudy Giuliani or someone presented a tape of the Fulton County election, but it was an edited tape, showing only parts of the video. Then, though those parts were omitted, Giuliani declared, "The video tape doesn't lie. Fulton County Democrats stole the election. It is now beyond doubt." To begin with, there were no suitcases brought in containing the new ballots. They were standard containers. They were simply the containers the election workers use. And, they were opened and prepared for counting in full view of observers. Nobody waited for everyone to go home and then pulled out these hidden "suitcases" and ballots and viola, there they were the next morning, a suitcase of ballots that hadn't been there the night before. Trump's people (Giuliani or whoever) selectively edited the video footage to make it appear to be the way they wanted. That, too, like so many other things they have alleged, is deceitful. Why would Giuliani do this? It would seem he would know he was being dishonest. Or, if it was an honest mistake on his part, eventually he must have found out the truth, and he failed to take back his false accusation. 

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