Saturday, February 4, 2023

Tax Plan II: Voluntary Taxes

    We need a new way of exacting taxes, and that would be to not exact them at all. Make the tax voluntary; if the citizen wants to pay it, let him; if he doesn't, that too is fine.

    You tax them, but you don't exact the tax. Exacting a tax is not a voluntary contribution, but an enforced payment.

   Oh, you've got me wrong if you think I think we should replace our current tax system with voluntary taxes. That's not what I mean. In fact, we probably can't do away with the as-we-have-it, IRS-will-chase-you-down-if-you-don't-pay taxes, at all.

   But, what about for special projects -- not for  essential services, but for (in the language of a person's own finances) discretionary spending -- just for things we can survive without, if necessary. Let the voluntary tax pay for education enhancements, certain research projects, extra police officers, or whatever.

   Yes, it's true that if the voluntary tax doesn't raise enough money, the project will not even get off the ground. So, arrange it so the taxpayer gets refunded if a private donor doesn't come along to make up the difference.

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