Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bless the Same-Sex Person, but Let Cathy Speak

The great Chick-fil-A debate. Now, do we support a man -- and his business -- for saying he believes in traditional marriage?
Do we support his right to free speech when leaders of certain cities suggest they will not allow him to do business there?
I and the millions say he has such right, while millions of others wonder why being a bigot should be called free speech.
The issue gets a little messier when Dan Cathy's comments are characterized as him saying those of same-sex are an abomination. I haven't read the exact words in Cathy's comments, but do understand he said it is for God to decide what a marriage is, not us.
I don't know that that is such a wicked opinion, nor do I consider such an opinion has to be hateful. Truth is, I believe God has established that men should join with women, not women with women and men with men. I love the same-sex people I know, counting them as friends, joking around with them and enjoying their company. Bless them. They are wonderful.
But, no, I do not think theirs is the relationship God intended.
As for Cathy, let him have his opinion. I don't know what his feelings are toward those of same-sex, whether he loves them or is hateful, but I do think he has the right to express his opinion without cities threatening to pull his business license.
There now, I've weighed in on a topic fastly growing old.

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