Sunday, November 15, 2015

'All children are to be treated with utmost respect and love'

   It was this part of the letter to church leaders two days ago that stood out to me:
   "All children are to be treated with utmost respect and love. They are welcome to attend Church meetings and participate in Church activities. All children may receive priesthood blessing and healing and spiritual guidance."
   As you know, the church is asking children of same-sex parents to not be baptized, or receive ordinance work, until they are 18 and no longer living with the parent(s) who are in same-sex marriages. I've wondered -- of my own thinking not from anything the church has said -- if it is indeed, yes, wise to not overly encourage children who might likely think same-sex relationships are okay to be where they will share those beliefs with other children.
   I see the church might not share my concern. "They are welcome to attend Church meetings and participate in Church activities."
   I would say, the leaders are wiser than I. While I hesitated on whether the children should be included, the Church perhaps had no fear. Love of the child was and is important to the church. As I reflect on it, I think the decision wise. And, though I remain with fears on how children influence each other, I applaud the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for this decision.

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to read how some one is trying to understand the Church in why they issue a statement rather than seizing an opportunity to paint the Church as gay haters
