Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Hotel in Heaven

They have a hotel in Heaven
For all those who don't know if they're staying
They build it just for folks like me
Who between Heaven and Hell are swaying

I checked in the other day
Thought I'd stay just one night
But the accommodations were fabulous
Everything was perfect and right

But, when I went down that next morning
To ask for an extended stay
They said they were all booked up
All the way to the end of May

I swallowed hard
This was hard on me
For the way things were down in Hell
Had prompted me to go absentee

I picked up my saddlebag
And rode my horse down into the valley
And when I reached the bottom
I kept a-going til the underearth was my finale

And so my final rest was there
A flower marks the spot
I'm buried deep beneath the earth
Because Hotel Heaven would have me not

Alternate ending with a happier conclusion:

I picked up my saddlebag
And rode my horse all the way back to Hell
A telegraph was waiting
They wanted me back in heaven
As best as I could tell

I turned my horse back again
And rode fast as I could
And checked back into Heaven's hotel
Just like they said I should

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