Friday, September 6, 2024

I Dispatched Myself to the County Library to Investigate

   Ahh, then, what of these books that are banned from Utah's school? Thirteen of them have been removed from the bookshelves, six of which are by Sarah J. Maas, who to my understanding writes a lot like J.K. Rowling. Would Harry Potter be banned? If not, then why the books by Maas?

   I dispatched myself to the county library to investigate at the scene of the crime. (Forgive me for writing with such a light-hearted tone, but I'm trying to make this interesting, right?) Alas, I returned from my mission with no books in hand. They were checked out, and I will have to wait until they come back in.

   Later this evening, I was told Maas, herself, has said her books are not appropriate for children. Looking to verify that, I searched the Internet, coming up empty.

   But, I did find articles suggesting Maas's books have been criticized for lacking diversity and not being inclusive. That's a strange twist to this whole thing. So, while we are sitting back taking shots at conservatives for banning the books, a good share of them seem to have been banned because it is liberals who do not approve of them.

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