Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Coming at You with Knives

They're coming at you with knives, or just as well
And any lie they can tell, yes, they will tell
Mix in a little truth, but mostly just rant and rave
Now, am I talking of Democrats, or are Republicans so brave?

Go ahead and compare, what the two sides have to say
It's pretty much the same accusations, much to our dismay
Your response might easily be, they're both full of it
But don't bite on that, they want you to take that bit

One of them, just one of them, just might be right
While the other clouds the truth, and keeps it out of sight
Though neither side is perfect, one just might be more so
But you'll have to really study, and keep on your toe

A lie knows how to dress; it wears the clothes of truth
It makes itself look like the truth; it sells that at its booth
I know it takes some study, to figure it all out
But if you study hard enough, there will not be a doubt

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