Thursday, October 18, 2012

If You Write in Anyone You Want, Your Vote Won't Count

You Cannot Vote for Just Anyone You Want

You cannot vote for just anyone you like in Utah. Nope, can't do it. Your vote won't count.

You can only vote for candidates registered with the state. If you write in someone's name, your vote will be trashed. It won't count unless that person is registered as a write-in candidate.

Are we to be told who we can and cannot vote for? Are we to cast our vote only from a list of candidates approved by the state?

I guess I do think this is wrong. A small thing, in ways, but in principle, it is a big deal. Isn't voting for whomever we choose a basic American right? Somehow, I assumed we've had this right ever since Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and a few others sat down and drafted the documents making this the free-est nation on earth.

I say, change the law. This is America. We deserve not only the right to vote, but the right to vote for anyone we choose.

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