Saturday, September 14, 2013

Eyes Back to George Zimmerman

   Comes George Zimmerman, again, more news about him, and it stirs us to considering his case again, and what he did, and whether the Stand Your Ground law let him off the hook unjustly.
   The latest news is that the police chief agreed with someone when it was suggested Zimmerman is a Sandy Hook waiting to happen. I only thank Zimmerman that he is keeping himself in the spotlight because I hope it will keep the Stand Your Ground laws in the spotlight. Laws that turn criminals into patriots are not good laws. Was Zimmerman justified in killing Trayvon Martin? I don't think so. What if we turned the case around, and asked if Martin was justified in trying to kill Zimmerman? Zimmerman approached Martin. Martin feared him -- probably feared for his life. Was Martin then justified if he were trying to kill Zimmerman?
   Well, I take too long to make the point I wanted to make when I thought to write this blog. If a law takes away from the jury the right to determine if the killing should have taken place, and gives that determination, instead, to the person doing the killing, that is an unjust law. Just because we make a law giving a person the right to kill does not make that killing morally right.
   I do believe in self defense. I do. But, I do not believe in a law that gives the person doing the killing the right to serve as their own jury. If a person can claim self defense too easily, you have a loophole in your murder law. Not a good thing.

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