Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Citizens Packing Heat Against Criminals: Isn't this Vigilante Justice?

  Throw everyone a gun, then.
   I'm not so sure that is the answer to all the gun violence in America, but there is not a shortage of people who believe it is.
   Tell me, how is this not vigilante justice? Isn't the definition of vigilante, a person who belongs to a group of self-appointed citizens who undertake law enforcement on their own, often because they believe law enforcement agencies are inadequate.
   I suppose, even if we went with my suggestion, which is that we have more security guards, that, too, might be considered vigilante justice. Having security guards, though, does have one distinction: The guards are not self-appointed, but have to get hired to get the assignment.
   At any rate, I do favor our hiring more security guards, instead of encouraging everyone to buy and start packing heat. I see dangers in saturating the pubic with people carrying guns. The better approach is that of having someone appointed to pack the heat, and to protect the rest. Typically speaking, communities from the smallest on up hire a sheriff or police officer. As the town grows, they add more. As crime increases, they add more.
   It's called law enforcement, and it works.
   Having a person appointed as the designated crime fighter -- instead of tossing everyone a gun -- has been the more organized way of dealing with law breakers. It's a tradition I wish we'd stick to.
   This does not mean we restrict those who want to carry guns. It is their Second Amendment right. It just means we should be adding more guards as a way of addressing the problem.
(Note: The third to the last paragraph, and the last one, were added to the post 10/27/15 while I was editing this and adding a word that had been left out.)

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