Tuesday, February 9, 2021

In Wisconsin, was it Trump Who was Trying to Steal the Election?

    Trump: "In Wisconsin, corrupt-run cities deployed more than 500 illegal, unmanned, unsecured drop boxes, which collected a minimum of 91,000 unlawful votes. It was razor-thin, the loss. This one thing alone is much more than we would need. But there are many things."

   Some Wisconsin cities, including Green Bay, did have drop boxes where ballots could be dropped off. The boxes were bolted to the ground, locked with security seals, and monitored by security cameras as required by the Wisconsin Elections Commission. It would seem possible that such extensive, widespread use of drop boxes was an innovation in America as it was endeavored to make voting as convenient as possible, thus encouraging voting and participation. The Trump people did not like it, however. They argued that unless the drop boxes were authorized by the state legislature, itself, they were illegal. What does the law say, then? "The envelope (containing the absentee ballot) shall be mailed by the elector, or delivered in person, to the municipal clerk issuing the ballot or ballots." It becomes worthy to consider how ballots are received normally, when people vote right at the polling place on election day. Are their votes delivered, "in person to the municipal clerk"? They certainly are not handed directly from the voter to the clerk. The municipal clerk probably isn't even in the room. However, when the clerk authorizes poll workers -- or drop boxes -- to be used to receive the ballots, then that becomes a just way to receive them. The votes do not have to be placed directly in the clerk's hands for them to be legal. Trump argues that the use of these drop boxes was "corrupt." Most of us, however, would not see it that way, at all. While he is right that "this one thing alone" (discounting all the votes from the drop boxes) would overturn the election in Wisconsin, it would be wrong to do so. There are those of us who would even suggest that this is what corruption really is. If you stretch to find a technicality to discount the votes of your opponent, and if that technicality does not even hold water, yet you still insist on throwing the votes out, then that is what corruption really is. 

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