Sunday, June 19, 2022

Gun Advocates are Right on Citizens Curtailing Mass Shootings

CORRECTION to anyone who might have read the below story. It is incorrect. It is fake news. The churchgoer did not come to the church armed, but scuffled with the shooter and took the gun away from him.
I am not finding a story in the main media about the scuffle and of the scuffle between the churchgoer and Smith, but here's this. It is from the New York Post, which is a tabloid. It is a conservative tabloid, however. Since arming the populace is a conservative belief, it is not likely the New York Post was lying.    

And, there is this, also verifying that my story below is false.

Many gun owners have long argued that citizens with guns can deter mass shootings. This time, it happened. This time, it was true. A 71-year old who occasionally attended services at the church pulled a gun to stop Robert Findlay Smith from killing more people at a shooting this week at a church outside Birmingham, Alabama. Smith killed three people before the churchgoer stopped the gunfire. Police then arrived to arrest Smith.

   The churchgoer's heroics give credence to the notion that one way to reduce mass shootings is to arm the public. If wouldbe shooters know there will be guns there to stop them, they will be less likely to try to carry out their scheme. And, when they do open fire at a public gathering, someone will shoot them down before they kill as many as they otherwise would. 

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