Sunday, June 15, 2014

Of Kelly, Dehlin and Phillips

   So this week came news that Kate Kelly and John Dehlin might be excommunicated  from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Kate's case is being tried, it is said, in the same Virginia stake where Sonia Johnson was excommunicated so many years ago.
   It does seem she has taken the church to public task for not giving women the priesthood, and she has taught that women should have the priesthood. Bless her, the same, but it does seem that might be worthy of losing her membership.
   My thought on women getting the priesthood? I suppose I do not know all. I realize there were prophetesses in the Old Testament. But I don't know of any women in all history having received the priesthood. God gives the priesthood to men, and gives other things to women. Would God ever change that, and decide to give the priesthood to women? I'm guessing not, but, I repeat, I am no authority and do not know all. It does seem if Kate Kelly and others in the Ordain Women movement want a change, they should appeal to God to make the change, as well as appealing to the church. If you believe the church is God's church, and that He directs it, then wouldn't appealing to God be part of your effort to change things?
   John Dehlin? I hope it doesn't come to excommunication for him. I don't know all involved in his case. I had ran across his Mormon Stories website, but had not followed it beyond having known of its existence. I understand it was a site intending to help wavering Mormons remain Mormons. There obviously might be more to the site than just that (or perhaps it is something else Dehlin has done), though, or he wouldn't be in trouble.
   Tom Phillips? He has not been part of the news I have seen this week. But, a few months ago, his situation was in the news. He is a former stake president in England who no longer believes in the church. He brought a lawsuit against the church calling the teachings fraudulent, and asking that President Monson come to England to answer the charges. His case was thrown out of court.

1 comment:

  1. I think that Kelly will be excommunicated. Do I want to see her ex'd? No. I just hope that whatever happens tonight, that she will be able to find peace.
