Friday, July 14, 2023

It Better not Be because They Are Trying to Reduce Their Costs

Emergency rooms are often understaffed -- very often. If you have ever went to the emergency room, only to find yourself waiting to be admitted, and then waiting for the doctor to come see you, you know what I mean.

If you've ever waited for an hour writhing in pain, you can testify that our emergency rooms need to be better staffed. Hospitals should staff to the level of the highest traffic expectations. They should schedule enough workers to cover the high end of how many patients might possibly come through the doors.

Triage nurses are great, and they do help identify which type of doctor you need. And, it is great that they prioritize which patients need help the quickest, so the ones who need it the most can get it the quickest. But still, the very fact there is such a thing as triage nurses shouts the fact that emergency rooms are understaffed. Shouldn't everyone who goes to emergency be seen about as quick as they get there?

I imagine medical providers, if they were asked why they don't staff emergency rooms better, would say there's a shortage of doctors. We just aren't getting enough people into the profession. 


I'll just say it better not be because hospitals are trying to reduce their costs. 

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