Friday, July 26, 2024


None Dare Call it Treason

Just an afternoon walk through the halls of Congress
Forgive if I beat up the police
Just a sight-seeing mission
And everything I do, I do in the name of peace
I'm with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers
But don't make much of that connection
For none should dare call This an insurrection

I would never climb the building's walls to do what I do
I would never shout and curse
For I'm about the kindest person
In all the the Universe

I go to church on Sunday
I'm a Christian every day
Don't you dare try to see it
Any other way

I do what I do in the name of patriotism
Don't you dare try to see it
Through any other prism

I'm not a man of violence
I'm not a man of strife
So don't you dare say
Anyone lost their life

Yes, for everything I do, I have reason
And none dare call it treason

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