Monday, July 15, 2024

"I am a Gaffe Machine"

Have we let go of pushing President to step aside and let someone else fill the spot? Have we ceased to worry about and call attention to his mental missteps? We shouldn't  -- but that doesn't mean he definitely is too senile to be president. It simply means we should consider the mistakes and then decide.

The Guardian recently documented about two dozen of his slips. Let's just consider some of the more serious ones.

March 2022: During his State of the Union address, he said "Iranian" when he meant "Ukrainian," "American when he meant Delaware," and "profits when he mean prices."

September 2022: As he was thanking organizers of a conference on food insecurity, he asked if Jackie Walorski was there. Indiana Rep. Walorski had died the previous month in a car accident,

June 2023: As he concluded a speech about gun safety, he closed with, "God save the queen, man."

January 2024: During a meeting on reproductive health, he directed attention to health secretary Xavier Becerra, who he suggested was sitting in the room. It was actually homeland security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas who was in the room.

"I am a gaffe machine," he admitted in 2018.

Are such slips excusable? Do we consider that we all misspeak at times? At the moment, I am neither ready to condemn him for his slips nor to give him a pass for them.

I will confess, though, that I do wish he would step down and let Kamala Harris ascend to the top of the ticket. The danger of Donald Trump winning the election, and becoming a dictator remains. The candidate going up against Trump needs no extra baggage. 

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