Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Things that Should be Taught in Our Schools

   Education is one of the pillars of democracy. And, there is more to it than reading, writing and arithmetic. Souls fit for democracy should be raised for democracy. This doesn't mean you indoctinate them, it means you teach them to think for themselves. 

  But, you must teach them about civic affairs -- you must. 

  You must teach them about the world about them -- you must.

   And, you must teach them about current issues -- you must.

   So, let's start with the world around them. They should be taught the modern backgrounds of the nations. How did Germany get it's start? How did Cuba? When did the Jews return to Israel?

   Then, a more troublesome matter, that of teaching them the backgrounds for some of the issues, such as guns, and abortion. Teach them what each side thinks, and why, and how those opinions came about. Is that asking too much? Is it wrong to teach the history of how each side arrived at their opinions? No, it's essential.

   We live in this world. We should read the primer before we enter into it. 

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