Sunday, July 14, 2024

Closer to the Day?

 Bless Donald Trump. A bullet clipped his ear. Bless him to recover. He was defiant. He was brave in the face of gunfire, shaking his fist and crying, "Fight."

Bless America. Bless and protect those who run for office.

Shortly after the shocking and horrifying news reached me, I received a Facebook message blaming me for the shooting. 

"Do you consider your culpability in this heinous act?" I was asked. "You and others infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome?" My attacker then reminded me I had written a poem equating Trump to Adolph Hitler. "This sort of histrionic rhetoric encourages and incites deranged individuals. . . . Your rhetoric is not benign. It is not Christlike."

Taken back, I replied, "That I have seen in Trump a Hitler simply means I see in him a Hitler. That is my observation. With what has been revealed about Project 2025 the past week, my conclusion has only been confirmed."

I could not help considering how in some nations, if you wrote or said ill words about the leader, you might be arrested and tossed in jail. Negative opinions of the dictator are not tolerated. Reading my friend's words against me, I wondered if she would consider such arrest justified.

Where goes our nation? How could we drift so from our moorings? I am horrified by the shooting, but hope it does not move us closer to the day political opponents are tossed in jail simply for opposing the rule of the dictator. 

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