Monday, July 29, 2024

What a Person Says Oten Reflects Who They Are

Because what a person often reflects who they are, here are some quotes from Kamala Harris to help you determine if you should vote for her.

"I care about the environment not because I have any particular desire to hug a tree, but I have a strong desire to hug a healthy baby." -- Kamala Harris

"I've had a lot of titles over my career, and certainly 'vice president' will be great. But 'Momala' will always be the one that means the most." -- Kamala Harris

"This is a country of possibilities." -- Kamala Harris

"At every step of the way, I've been guided by the words I spoke from the first time I stood in a courtroom: 'Kamala Harris, For the People.'" -- Kamala Harris

"The truth is that the vast majority of Americans are good, fair, and just, and they want their country to reflect those ideals." -- Kamala Harris

"America's democracy is not guaranteed. It is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it." -- Kamala Harris 

"The American dream belongs to all of us." -- Kamala Harris

“Anyone who claims to be a leader must speak like a leader. That means speaking with integrity and truth.” -- Kamala Harris

"There is no vaccine for racism." -- Kamala Harris

"I believe that any child going without an education is a crime." -- Kamala Harris

"For as long as ours has been a nation of immigrants, we have been a nation that fears immigrants. Fear of the other is woven into the fabric of our American culture, and unscrupulous people in power have exploited that fear in pursuit of political advantage." -- Kamala Harris

 "When you can’t sleep at night, how can you dream?" -- Kamala Harris

"The criminal justice system punishes people for their poverty." -- Kamala Harris

"My mother tells the story about how I’m fussing, and she’s like, ‘Baby, what do you want? What do you need?’ And I just looked at her and I said, ‘Fweedom.’” -- Kamala Harris

"Here’s the truth people need to understand: To tackle the challenges of the 21st century, we must empower women and families." -- Kamala Harris

"No one who is the subject of that hate should ever be made to fight alone." -- Kamala Harris

"Democracy just cannot flourish amid fear. Liberty cannot bloom amid hate. Justice cannot take root amid rage. America must get to work ... We must dissent from the indifference. We must dissent from the apathy. We must dissent from the fear, the hatred, and the mistrust." -- Kamala Harris

"My daily challenge to myself is to be part of the solution, to be a joyful warrior in the battle to come." -- Kamala Harris

"The measure of you is so much bigger than you; it’s the impact you have, it’s what you do in service to others." -- Kamala Harris 

"We are a nation that, at its best, loves, protects, and helps our fellow Americans." -- Kamala Harris

"In the years to come, what matters most is that we see ourselves in one another's struggles." -- Kamala Harris

"My whole life, I've only had one client, the people." -- Kamala Harris

"We must measure up to our words and fight for our ideals because the critical hour is upon us." -- Kamala Harris

"Let’s fight with conviction. Let’s fight with hope. Let’s fight with confidence in ourselves, and a commitment to each other—to the America we know is possible, the America we love." -- Kamala Harris

"My mother was and will always remain my greatest hero." -- Kamala Harris

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