Sunday, July 7, 2024

Is Patriot Front New to Sen. Mike Lee -- or has He Actually Heard of Them?

Well, Sen. Mike Lee says he's never head of Patriot Front. He posted a video of the group protesting Saturday on the streets of Nashville. Don't know what all was on the video, but one news report said the protesters carried Confederate Flags, and chanted "Deportation saves the nation,' and "Seig Heil." 

And, Lee has never heard of them? Patriot Front participated in the rally in Charlottesville in 2017. That was the big news story at the time, but if Lee paid attention to those who participated, perhaps he has forgotten them -- it was seven years ago. Then, the group made the news last summer, for allegedly plotting a riot in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Six of those arrested were from the state Lee represents -- that would be Utah. Bloomberg has reported that as of 2022, Utah was one of the states where the Front has been most active. 

It is does seem likely Lee pays enough attention to such extremist groups that he should have heard of  Patriot Front. Rolling Stone, which is where I got the information for this post, said it "almost defies belief" that he would not have heard of them.  

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