Thursday, July 8, 2010

Voter Apathy has Bit of Voter Lockout in It

When you cast your eyes back at all these years Utah's primaries have been held to voter turnouts of about 20 percent or less, you might well shake your head at such shameful voter apathy.

But, there are voters who are showing up at the polls, only to be turned away, told that there is no primary for them.

This because if your party in your precinct doesn't have a contested race to place on the ballot, then no primary is held there.

But, when the percentage of folks who showed at the polls is figured, the ones who were turned away angry for not being able to cast ballots are counted among those who didn't bother to even show up to vote.

That's definitely ironic.

All this is an argument for opening the polls to all voters, even to those who will find no contested races. One thing that would help is if allowed write-in votes. That way they would have some choice even though no contested races were on their ballots.

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