Saturday, September 4, 2010

Crimes Should be Illegal, Not People

What are we saying when we say those who are here without their paperwork are illegal, and in our country of laws, they should obey?

Well, consider what they are illegal for. They are illegal simply for being here on our soil, simply for being here without paperwork.

Check in on this make-believe conversation between someone who opposes illegal residents and the a person who doesn't have his paperwork:

"You know you are illegal, don't you? You are breaking the law."

"Why am I illegal. What have I done to break the law?"

"You are illegal because you don't have your paperwork. You have broken the law by not applying for citizenship or a visa or a passport."

"Oh, so I am an illegal person?"


"Well, do you know why I don't have my paperwork?"


"Because you won't give it too me."

"Well, what does that tell you? Maybe we don't want you here."

"I guess not. So, it would seem I'm illegal just for being, just for existing, just for being here when you don't want me to be here. I haven't shot anyone, stole from anyone, or commited any other offense against anyone, but I'm illegal for just standing here in front of you, on your American soil."

"You're not understanding. You're illegal because you didn't go through the process. We have millions of people here who have applied and gotten permission to be here legally, but you haven't."

"You charged some of them a lot of money for their visas, thousands of dollars. I came looking for a job. If I had thousands of dollars, I wouldn't be a poor farm worker looking for a job. Your visas might help a person with more money, but not the poor and downtrotten."

"Just do it legally. That's all I'm asking."

It is not an idle thought that illegal immigrants are discriminated against. If they are illegal just for being here without paperwork, and if we refuse to give them that paperwork, then we are making it illegal for them to be here, period. If there is no real reason not to give them paperwork, why don't we just give it to them?

What's the phrase, "Forgive me for living"?

Existing should not be a crime. Existing on American soil should not be a crime. Screening out terrorists and drug-traffickers and criminals is one thing, but making it a crime for the typical immigrant to be here is not necessary.

Let's not make people illegal. Crimes should be illegal, not people. Let's legalize more people simply by giving them their paperwork.

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