Sunday, December 6, 2015

It is a Tool of Death, so can it Sometimes be a Bad Influence?

  Our mass murderers of late, for the large part, are not cut from the lot of criminals. They often lack extensive criminal histories. We should wonder what makes them jump from no crime (or little crime) to major crime.
   Some are lashing out at the world. Some are reflecting their ideologies. Those are factors.
   What I'm wondering, is whether the gun culture we live in is also a factor. Our love of guns, our glorification of guns, does that have anything to do with why some go from no crime, to gun crime?
   Bad influences can make good people, bad people. You might not want to think our love of guns, as a society, helps foster the murderer, but does it? I'm sorry, but I'm guessing it is a factor. You might not want to think of the gun as a bad influence, but can it be? It seems it might have been invented to bring about death. It's hard to imagine that a tool of death cannot be a bad influence.

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