Friday, May 31, 2024


Does Donald Pretend to Election Integrity?

Election integrity
Isn't that what matters most?
Election integrity
Is why Donald is getting the roast

Why are so many upset
With his conviction on 34 counts?
Why do they paint it as something less
Just an flub-up in the bookkeeping accounts?

Blowing a misdemeanor into a felony
With creative and questionable reading of the law
That's all they think this is
So they give it a big poo-pah

Isn't it Donald who has pretended
To be all about election integrity?
Isn't it he who led a rebellion
Completely because of election security?

Well, the chickens have come to roost
Because election integrity is what your case was about
The people have the right to know who you are
Yes, they have the right to know if you're a lout

None of our business, you say
What goes on in Vegas stays there
Don't you go poking into my personal life
Don't you go laying it bare

Donald, what kind of a person you are
Is something voters have a right to know
And if you bribed people to hide it
And cooked your books so we'd never know
And if you were so crooked you tried to back out
On paying once the deal was made
Yes, Donald, you're due 
For an awfully lot of shade

I'm grateful we do have laws
To hold you responsible for your crimes
Election integrity is what this is about
And I have no use for all of your whines

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