Saturday, June 19, 2010

John, You're Not Alone

Thought to reach someone living in the 41st District for their thoughts on the Bridgewater-Lee race. Didn't find anyone, but in the process I was referred to a person who lives out of the district, as being authorative enough that I ought to talk to him since he is a campaign worker for one of those two candidates.

Ahh, but it is not his insights on the Bridgewater-Lee race that I wish to share.

Phil Conder has ran for the Utah Legislature, himself, and confided he has given great thought to the fact special interest money is so much a part of our election process. It bothers him, too.

As long as we have part-time legislators, we are going to have elected officials who are affiliated with special interests (their businesses), Conder suggested. They will bring their biases, but they will also bring expertise from those associations. Phil indicated full disclosure is the best answer he knows of.

I like all that Phil says, but I would like to think we will not stop at disclosure. Disclosure makes the crime -- if I can call it that -- transparent, but it does not remove it.

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