Friday, March 1, 2024



A dictator came knocking on my door
I told them not to let him in
"But, he's such a nice man," the others replied
I sighed
But their hearts he'd won
And they went on
To tell me all the good he'd done

"The economy sure is better," said one
"There really is not a thing to dread"
said another
"He'll kick out the migrants"
said his brother

I sighed, 
"Please," they said, "let him in"

"Well, if it's a matter of a vote," I offered
"Then we must treat him a little softer
"We must let him in
"Regardless if he's so full of sin
"Regardless of everthing he's been"

So, the door flew open and in he came
And as the strongman entered 
he tore down the door frame
And there was nothing left to stop a dictatorship
And so this story ends most grim

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