Friday, June 14, 2024

Biden was Wrong about his Education -- and I'll Vote for him Anyway

Story has it -- and the story is true -- that Joe Biden made claims about his education that just weren't true.

You've got him on this one, but you had to go back to 1987 -- that's 37 years ago -- and those who tell this story of how he "lied" about his education, conveniently don't tell you the whole of the matter. Biden has not been repeating his claims since, as his critics claim. To the contrary, he has admitted he was inaccurate and has not repeated the claim since. 

Biden didn't graduate in the top half of his class, as he said he did. He had a double degree, but he didn't get three undergraduate degrees, as he said he did. And he received only a partial scholarship, not a full scholarship, as he said he did. 

Bless the guy. In a moment of anger, he failed to recollect his own education and he wrongly exaggerated. But he then realized he was wrong and never repeated those claims. If you think I'm going to vote against him for this, you're wrong. I vote for humans, people who make mistakes. I don't vote for felons who even after their convictions refuse to admit the error of their ways.  

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