Thursday, June 6, 2024

False Prophet?

False prophet?
Just as prophesied of old
Do you consider Trump
One of them foretold?

A video made its rounds
Of Trump as a messiah-like figure
There are those of us who thought it blastphemous
But people believed it the same, go figure

"God looked down on his planned Paradise
And said I need a caretaker"
The video then portrays Trump as the one
It couldn't have picked a bigger faker

"God Made Trump"
Is the name of the video that made its rounds
I know this seems crazy
But it's as crazy as it sounds

Then there was the meme of Trump
Walking out of a lion's den
They seemed to compare him to Daniel
A prophet from way back when

They say that Donald is persecuted
And some even suggest
He was falsely accused and tried
And you can guess the rest

A false prophet?
A false prophet in our day?
I don't know what else you'd call him
I can't see it any other way

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