Friday, June 7, 2024


Secret Works of Darkness

We should recognize it when we see it
Fight it when we can
Those who hide in darkness
Are walking on our sand

Call it secret societies
Call it dark money
But we should cast some light on it
Make things a little sunny

Would you mind if I brought up some cases
Of people crawling in the dark?
Would you mind if I actually mentioned them?
Naming them's as easy as a walk in the park

How about the 18 folks in Arizona
Who are accused of being fake electors?
What they did, they won't fess up
They were fine with things, until along came the inspectors

How about that dark money group, Securing American Greatness
Collecting funds to help Trump, and fight Biden
While letting all the donors stay a hidin'?

And how about Trump, himself
Paying Stormy Daniels
Hush money to hide his scandal?
Oh, you can find lack of transparency with others
But next to Trump, do they even hold a candle?

Secret works of darkness
They surround this proud and haughty man
There's a path of darkness
If you trace his footsteps in the sand

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