Saturday, June 15, 2024

Don't Equate Guns With God

A picture has a Bible
Lying on the table
On top of it lies an automatic pistol 
And we know how guns can be so fatal

The meme-maker has a message
He wants us to know
Just as the Bible is wonderful
The pistol is even so

There are those who spread propaganda
Twisting our values quite around
And equating guns with the Bible
Is not wisdom sound

I'll keep the Bible, for it is part of worship
But the gun was never so
The Bible is for forgiveness
But forgiveness is something the gun doesn't know

I look to the Bible for justice
For it's justice is truly just
But the justice of a gun
Brings death as a must

No, don't equate the one with the other
For I know guns and God are not the same
I know what the meme would have me believe
Yes, I'm wise enought to see what it has as its aim

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